Ideal city 

Photographic series

Roland’s ‘ideal city’ is a strange and beautiful series of images that deliberately and knowingly blends science with fiction. Thereare echoes of the great 18th century conceptual architect Louis Boullée in the imaginary, impossible structures that seem to outstrip their contexts, and a highly developed, almost cinematic sense of suggested narrative between the different images in the series as a whole. Technically sophisticated and working with (rather than against) the potential of digital technology, Roland’s work seems to have found precisely the right visual language for her subject, downplaying, rather than overworking the otherworldly aesthetic effects. It is quietly convincing and therefore very effective as a photographic vision of the future.

Text by Simon Baker
Director, Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris
Senior Curator in Photography and International Art, Tate Modern, London

Withe the support of
ALMA observatory Chile (ESA)
La Fragua Art Residency
Residencia Cozarón

Stéphanie Roland Studio