Through the way they are organised, the complex systems of Western society create ambiguous zones that blur the boundaries between reality and fiction. This notion of fiction lies at the very heart of Stéphanie Roland’s conceptual practice. The artist is specifically fascinated by the immaterial, invisible, negative entities generated by our system, where they play an integral part and exert an influence. Her work explores the possible representations of these ghosts of Western civilisation. Between financial products and ghost islands, between aviation blacklists and the Deep Web, Stéphanie Roland tries to incarnate these hidden phenomena in a dialectic game between physical presence and immateriality.

Representations of the future revealing the current state of our society are central to Roland’s oeuvre. Her penchant for forecasting and predicting the future enables her to broach fundamental contemporary issues. The artist draws her inspiration from a broad spectrum of scientific fields, ranging from astronomy to sociology and neuroscience. In her work, the robotic dimension and the prospect of an imminent revolution contribute to shift the substance of traditional motifs. Depictions of the home, the family, and childhood are all becoming increasingly inhospitable and practically dehumanised. 

Her contemporary narratives involve a multidisciplinary approach and a wealth of different media: photography, video, silkscreen, light, sculpture, installation, sound, and new technologies. Using thermochromic inks, special papers, and laser cut-outs, and experimenting with light projection, she creates a unique perceptual experience for visitors, by re-examining the exhibition format and its underlying principles. Amid this seeming diversity, the image itself serves as the central theme, with installations revealing its spectral aspect and potential disappearance at different levels.

Stéphanie Roland Studio